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Who we are

Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati is managed by four partners, supported by a highly skilled professional staff, and a high level network of professional contacts specialized in the different branches of knowledge which represent the Clients’ interests.

Specialization, availability, efficiency, continuous education, privacy are the main principles which all along identify Studio Colombo’s activity, capable to grant its Clients a personalized, high quality and elevated flexibility, in a National context characterized by the continuous evolution of the law and fiscal system and in an International context with an increasing globalization process.

Languages currently used in the firm are Italian, English and French.

The professional education and the culture for the care and respect of the Clients, which distinguish the four partners, are the result of the strict formation conveyed since 1939, year when the 24 years old rag. Achille Colombo was inscribed in the Como Province Register for Certified Public Accountants.

Our history

Achille Colombo established in Lecco the Studio Colombo, which since the beginning has been recognized as one of the most known and appreciated firms by the local business community.
After a practice period, on January 1st, 1939 rag. 
Rag. Colombo was one of the key players in the Lecco’s life, benchmark for many industrial business ventures, and undertook important positions like, for example, Vice – President of Como’s Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Lecco’s Hospital and trustee person of the Bank of Italy for the Lecco’s territory.

In the seventies his son, dr. Carlo Maria Colombo, began aside his father his career as certified business consultant, welding the relationships with the Lecco’s territory and developing the activities of the firm, at the same time, out of the boundaries of the provincial area.
In 1981 dr. Maria Venturini started her cooperation with Studio Colombo followed, in 1988, by rag. Giancarlo Gandola and, in 1999, by dr. Achille Colombo.

A second office was opened in Milan, setting up a network with the major Law and Notary Public firms of the main cities in Italy. This ramification allowed the firm to manage, among the other activities, some of the most important merger and acquisition operations made by known Italian groups and the turnaround process of some important Groups of companies.

Gruppo Pragma

In order to grant consulting and assistance necessary to natural persons and companies in a context characterized by an increasing globalization of the commercial and industrial relations, Studio Colombo is part of PRAGMA, an International Network of Lawyers and Certified business consultants, which operates in 17 countries in the world.

Visit Pragma website.

Company policy

The priority objectives of the Company policy are:
• the customer satisfaction
• the will to prevent, as far as possible, the needs of the customer
• the continuous improvement of the quality of its service
• compliance with current legislation
• the ability to face the global world by establishing international contacts with the professionalism that the customer needs.

To achieve the objectives listed above the Company:
a) is equipped with an organizational, managerial and informative system, which allows the achievement of the planned objectives with a view to continuous improvement and in compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001;
b) is part of the Pragma Association.


The professional training and the culture of customers's care and respect are the result of the severe training that has been handed down since 1939.

The Partners

  • Dott.ssa Maria Venturini

    Certified business consultant and Certified Auditor, she was born in 1954 in Treviglio (BG) and lives in Lecco. She’s a partner of Studio Colombo since 1990. She graduated magna cum laude in 1979 at “Luigi Bocconi” University in Milan, with a graduation thesis dedicated to “The effect of the concentration processes on the level of prices” She’s a certified business consultant registered at Lecco’s Register of Certified Business Consultants and Accounting Experts. She’s certified Auditor (formerly Official Accounts Auditor) since 1990. She’s Civil mediator at Milan Foundation of Certified Business Consultants and Accounting Experts. ?At the beginning of her career, she carried out important experiences in the business management sector of a U.S. multinational company and, later, as a component of the strategic planning group of an Italian multinational company. Since November 29th, 2007 she is the President A.L.P.L., the Association for the Professional services CUP Lecco, and she’s been appointed as member of the Board of the same Association since 2002. She has been a member of the Board of the Lecco’s Register of Certified Business Consultants and Accounting Experts from January 26th, 1993 to March 2nd, 1999, and President of the same Board from March 3rd, 1999 to December 31st, 2007. She’s appointed as Board member, Statutory Auditor and Certified auditor in Italian companies, and she has been the Official Auditor of Local Administrations and Liquidator of some companies. She has also been appointed as the President and component of Arbitration panels. She is part of the editorial staff of the scientific online magazine “Il Nuovo Diritto Societario”, and she has been the speaker in many conferences and courses.

    Within Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati, Maria is substantially involved in Commercial and Company law, and also in the coordination and supervision of all the firm’s activities, with particular reference to: negotiations and drafting of agreements, writing of opinions for Commercial and Company law topics, reorganization processes, corporate consulting, extraordinary operations, assistance and consulting for budgeting, companies’ evaluation, intergenerational transfers and amicable settlements in the companies and families areas.

  • Rag. Giancarlo Gandola

    Certified Public Accountant and Certified Auditor, he was born in 1966 in Lecco, and lives in Bellagio (CO). He’s a partner of Studio Colombo since 1998. He’s a certified business consultant registered at Lecco’s Register of Certified Business Consultants and Accounting Experts. He’s certified Auditor (formerly Official Accounts Auditor) since 1995. He has been a member of the Board of the Lecco’s Register of Certified Public Accountants and Commercial Experts from 1999 to 2002. He is currently appointed as Statutory Auditor and Certified auditor of several Italian companies, and he has been appointed as Certified auditor of Local Administrations and Board member and Liquidator of some companies. He is a member of Arbitration panels.

    Within Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati Giancarlo is substantially involved in Tax and Company law, both domestic and International, as well as in the defense of the clients in front of the Local and Regional Tax Authorities, with particular focus on tax consulting, assistance during the fiscal inspections, fiscal check –ups, tax impact fine-tuning and tax planning, drafting of opinions for fiscal topics and relationship with the Tax Authorities. He’s also involved in companies’ evaluation processes, reorganization and restructuring plans and extraordinary operations.

  • Dott. Achille Colombo

    Certified business consultant and Certified Auditor, he was born in 1974 in Lecco and lives in Bergamo. He’s a partner of Studio Colombo since 2006. He graduated in 1999 in Economy and Companies’ law at “Luigi Bocconi” University in Milan, with a graduation thesis dedicated to the crisis and turnaround of a company “Analysis of a downfall turnaround in the textile industry: the Eurojersey S.p.A. case”. He’s a certified business consultant registered at Lecco’s Register of Certified Business Consultants and Accounting Experts. He’s certified Auditor (formerly Official Accounts Auditor) since 2003. He carried out a stage at a manufacturing company in the United States and a English for Business course at the London School of Economics. He’s appointed as Director of the Board, Statutory Auditor and Certified auditor in industrial, real estate and financial company in Italy and in some companies in the U.S. He’s as well appointed as Trustee in Bankruptcy procedures, Judicial Receiver and Judicial Liquidator for bankruptcy companies or companies in other kind of judicial procedures. He also cooperates and actively participates in ventures related to the so-called “third sector” (i.e. Charity), and he’s a Member of the Board of the association “Cancro Primo Aiuto Onlus”.

    Within Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati, Achille is substantially involved in Commercial and Company law, with specific reference to the consulting activities for the International operations, together with all the area dedicated to the Bankruptcy and other Judicial procedures. He’s as well involved in the companies’ strategic consulting related to reorganization processes, extraordinary operations, companies’ evaluation and turnaround analysis and planning.



Small and medium sized companies, whether integrated in the public system or not, constitute the supporting structure of the Italian economy and society, and each of such entities has its own unique characteristics. Studio Colombo has the specific competences in order to develop Your ideas, from the start-up phase to the ordinary management of the business, as well as to identify the most suitable solutions to Your needs under the legal, accounting and fiscal profile.


Studio Colombo grants exactly the same offer of quality of services and consulting granted to the companies for the legal and fiscal needs of the natural persons, the individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people, calibrating the service provided on each specific individual needs.


Thanks to the specific knowledge and competences of its team and the capillary network of International relations, Studio Colombo is capable to offer the proper services for those companies which consider the internationalization of their products and services as the natural development of their entrepreneurial project. 
Studio Colombo can assist You, with the necessary skills, for the fulfillment of the International projects starting from the conception phase and for their actual realization under the fiscal, legal, corporate and contractual profile, supporting You in the arrangement and analysis of the business plan and assisting You in the ordinary management of the business.
  • • Extraordinary operation such as acquisitions, mergers, transformations, demergers, transfers of business, shares sale and purchase agreements, winding up and liquidation processes
  • • Agreements and negotiations
  • • Drafting of Companies’ deeds of incorporation and Bylaws
  • • Strategic consulting
  • • Bond loans issue and reimbursements
  • • Assistance for resolutions to be taken by Shareholders’ meetings and Board of Directors’ meetings
  • • Discussion, evaluation and drafting of agreements, deed, private agreements, letters of intent, memoranda of understanding, preliminary agreements for the purchase, the sale and the exchange of business as going concern, shareholding quotas, stocks and assets
  • • Evaluation and appraisals of companies’ participations and shareholdings
  • • Management of intra-group business and regulations
  • • Corporate, fiscal and management consulting
  • • Assistance in the relationships with Banks and other Financial Institutions
  • • Companies’ corporate and tax compliance (Yearly Balance sheets, Tax and V.A.T. Returns)
  • • Accounting reorganizations
  • • Accounting processes and start-up
  • • Fiscal check-up and mini-audit
  • • Due diligence processes
  • • Companies’ winding up and management of the liquidation process
  • • Drafting of opinions regarding corporate and fiscal matters
  • • Internal and International tax planning
  • • Companies’ reorganization projects
  • • Family planning and property and assets management in case of inheritances
  • • Appraisals and sworn reports
  • • Domiciliazioni
  • • Establishment of legal seats
  • • Fiscal litigation and defense in each status of litigation
  • • Arbitration procedures
  • • Compliance and participation to entities as provided for by D.Lgs 231 Italian Law
  • • Consulting in Bankruptcy procedures and pre-bankruptcy settlements
  • • Auditing